Selling Straws in Bistros, Cafes, and Coffee Shops

The movement to give up plastic straws has spread from coast to coast. Many people love drinking with straws and refuse to go without, but that doesn't mean you can't get your slurp on. Switching to a stainless steel drinking straw is a fantastic alternative, and if you take care of your straw you will probably never need to buy another straw again. But what about Bistros, Cafes, and Coffee Shops? How can they make a difference? Many companies are in the transition of tossing the plastic menace and moving towards an environmentally friendly option. New York passed a bill that would prevent restaurants in all five of the city's boroughs from giving out plastic straws to customers. Plastic straws have been banned in Miami Beach, Santa Cruz, and Malibu. Large organizations are getting on the bandwagon like; Alaskan Airlines, major colleges, and Bon Appetit.

Many small companies are doing their part as well. Offering straw alternatives or selling straw alternatives is a great way to provide a service to your customer while showing them you care about the environment. Stainless steel drinking straws give customers something more to remember than that fantastic smoothie, ice coffee, or juice they enjoyed. At we offer great prices on stainless steel drinking straws to anyone wanting to make a difference. Add them to your drinks or get creative and sell them in your own creative way. Selling stainless steel drinking straws won't make you rich but they can add to your bottom line and help you stand out from the competition. Show your customers you're eco-friendly and offer solutions to one use plastic straws.

Stainless Steel Drinking Straws Packaged for Resale