Terms of Use - Privacy Statement

To use the bulkstainlesssteelstraws.com website and services, you must first read and agree to all of our agreements and policies listed below. Web Site Terms of Use The policies and agreements posted on this page apply to all pages and sections found within bulkstainlesssteelstraws.com, such as (but not limited to):

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Privacy Statement

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Any information submitted during registration is also held to strict confidentiality. Personal information, such as e-mail addresses and user names, is used mainly to recognize individual members and/or online viewers. If bulkstainlesssteelstraws.com needs to contact an individual, bulkstainlesssteelstraws.com may use submitted personal information to offer technical assistance, service updates, or membership information. Any service subscribed to via a designated form residing on the bulkstainlesssteelstraws.com server can be unsubscribed at the user's request.

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