Mexican Straw Project

Small steps can lead to big changes when people have a passion to help others and the environment. The Mexican Straw Project, Many Hands Mexico, is a small group of people that simply want to bring an eco-friendly solution to small towns in Mexico. Here is some of their story:

Last year we started an ecological action project to replace all the plastic straws in restaurants in a small fishing village on the coast of Nayarit, Mexico called Lo de Marcos. When we started this project the availability and consciousness was nowhere near where it is now. This has been a project of the heart and I’m happy to say we pulled it off just recently.

Delivering to over 23 restaurants and providing ongoing support and education. We are now moving to replace plastic bags with reusable in all our town’s grocery stores. This was done by fundraising privately and given out the straws completely free to the restaurant owners. We want to keep this movement and momentum going.

Other nearby towns have been requesting and asking for straws. For now we are continuing to focus on lo de marcos. We actually ran out of enough straws to completely provide backup and there were even a few restaurants we didn’t make it to. Mexico is in need of help as recycling is sometimes non existent. Nayarit is coastline and we would love your help in bettering our planet and assisting in raising conversation about single use plastics.

Mexico Straw Project Team

Stainless Steel Straw Bundles